History & Identity
Who We Are
The people of Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church have been worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ in the Inland Empire of Southern California since the late 1980s. We are part of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, which was founded in 1936 when the inspiration and authority of the Bible was denied by prominent Presbyterian leaders.
If you are looking for a church which:
Honors God as the Sovereign Lord of the universe
Preaches Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of sinners
Preaches the matchless grace of the cross of Christ
Lives by the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit
Insists upon the absolute authority of the Word of God
Then we invite you to join us in glorifying God through the worship, work, and witness of Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
We trace our roots to the Protestant Reformation.
The Protestant Reformation of the Sixteenth and seventeenth century later produced the Westminster Confession of Faith. This Confession, together with the Westminster Assembly's Larger and Shorter Catechisms, summarizes the system of doctrine taught in the Bible. This statement of Bible teaching is sometimes called 'The Reformed Faith.'
We believe that the Bible alone gives us the truth about who God is, what He has done, and how we may please Him. The Bible teaches that God the Father gave up His Son, Jesus Christ, to death on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of His people.
We want to share with you the blessings that come from a personal relationship with God through the risen Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to do this through preaching the Word of God and personal example.
We are a Christian Church
We believe a person can have a right and true relationship with God only through the work and life of God's one and only unique Son, Jesus Christ. Please click here to read more about what this means in your life.
We are a Presbyterian Church
Why the name 'Orthodox'?
The 'ortho' in our name comes from the Greek term for 'straight.' The 'dox' comes from the Greek term for 'thinking.' At Sovereign Grace Church you will find straight preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
Why are we 'Presbyterian'?
The Bible says groups of godly men with experience and wisdom, 'elders' are to exercise oversight of God's people in the local church. Presbyterian is derived from the Greek word 'Presbuteros,' which is often translated 'elder' in the Bible.
We are a Confessional Church
By this we mean that we believe The Westminster Confession of Faith, with its Larger and Shorter Catechisms, to be the truest summary of the teachings in the Bible. They continue to be our statement of faith.
We also profess, as Christians have all over the world for seventeen centuries, the Apostolic and Nicene Creeds. We often proclaim these together during our worship service.