History & Identity

Who We Are

The people of Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church have been worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ in the Inland Empire of Southern California since the late 1980s. We are part of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, which was founded in 1936 when the inspiration and authority of the Bible was denied by prominent Presbyterian leaders. 

If you are looking for a church which:

  • Honors God as the Sovereign Lord of the universe

  • Preaches Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of sinners

  • Preaches the matchless grace of the cross of Christ

  • Lives by the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit

  • Insists upon the absolute authority of the Word of God

Then we invite you to join us in glorifying God through the worship, work, and witness of Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

We trace our roots to the Protestant Reformation.

The Protestant Reformation of the Sixteenth and seventeenth century later produced the Westminster Confession of Faith. This Confession, together with the Westminster Assembly's Larger and Shorter Catechisms, summarizes the system of doctrine taught in the Bible. This statement of Bible teaching is sometimes called 'The Reformed Faith.'

We believe that the Bible alone gives us the truth about who God is, what He has done, and how we may please Him. The Bible teaches that God the Father gave up His Son, Jesus Christ, to death on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of His people. 

We want to share with you the blessings that come from a personal relationship with God through the risen Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to do this through preaching the Word of God and personal example.

We are a Christian Church

We believe a person can have a right and true relationship with God only through the work and life of God's one and only unique Son, Jesus Christ. Please click here to read more about what this means in your life.

We are a Presbyterian Church

Why the name 'Orthodox'?

The 'ortho' in our name comes from the Greek term for 'straight.' The 'dox' comes from the Greek term for 'thinking.' At Sovereign Grace Church you will find straight preaching and teaching of the Word of God.

Why are we 'Presbyterian'?

The Bible says groups of godly men with experience and wisdom, 'elders' are to exercise oversight of God's people in the local church. Presbyterian is derived from the Greek word 'Presbuteros,' which is often translated 'elder' in the Bible.

We are a Confessional Church

By this we mean that we believe The Westminster Confession of Faith, with its Larger and Shorter Catechisms, to be the truest summary of the teachings in the Bible. They continue to be our statement of faith.

We also profess, as Christians have all over the world for seventeen centuries, the Apostolic and Nicene Creeds. We often proclaim these together during our worship service.


God-Centered Liturgy

Sovereign Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a Biblical, Reformed, and Covenantal Body of Believers that seeks to worship and glorify the Triune God by proclaiming, living and growing in the gospel of grace, and sharing this hope and love with our neighbors. Our liturgy is focused on what Christ has done for the salvation of sinners. You can expect to hear a call to worship through the reading of the Word of God, followed by songs of praise and thanksgiving, reading of the Law of God, prayer and confession, assurance of pardon, and the exposition of the Scriptures.

Classical Worship

We are not tied either to the past or to the present, but to the Word of God. We believe it is very important to worship God exactly in the manner He has commanded us to worship. We want everything in the worship service to be God-centered, and therefore done to please Him. Worship at Sovereign Grace Church is simple, dignified, and joyful!

Sovereign Grace Church is a place where both young and more mature Christians are challenged to grow in faith and devotion to Jesus Christ.


Children Are Welcome In Worship

Young children are important members of the covenant community and, as such, are always welcome in the worship services of the church. A nursery room is available during both services with nursery care provided in the morning.

- The nursery is for staff and workers only. Parents must leave their children and return to the worship service.


Children’s Sunday School

Classes for Children are available before the Morning Service. Children are encouraged to join their parents during the Worship Service.


Adult & Teen Class

Sunday School for Adults is located in the main sanctuary before the Morning Service.

Sunday School for Teens is in the back room at the end of the hall past the library.


Lord’s Day, Morning & Evening

Sunday School Classes, 9:30am

Morning Worship - Sunday, 10:30am

Lord's Supper - 1st Sunday morning of the month.

Evening Worship - Sunday, 5:30pm

Fellowship shortly before and after service.

Church Family Luncheon

2nd Sunday - Even Months.

Bible Studies

Ladies Bible Study - Wednesday, 7:00pm

2nd Wednesday of the month.

Men’s Breakfast Fellowship - Saturday, 8:00am

4th Saturday of the month.

Village Grow Group - Wednesday, 7:00pm

Meeting at the Village every 1st & 3rd Wednesday.

Online Grow Group - Monday, 6:30pm

Meeting over Zoom every 1st & 3rd Monday.

Who May Come to the Lord’s Table? 

Biblical Self-Examination

If you are visiting with us today, you may wonder whether or not you should receive the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. As we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we are reminded that this is the Lord’s Table. Communion at this table indicates our union and communion with Jesus Christ, as well as our union with His Body, the Church. In that the Scriptures teach both a personal responsibility for self-examination (1 Cor.11:27-29) and a responsibility of the elders for the oversight of the church (1 Peter 5:2), we invite you to participate in the Lord’s Supper today if you are able to wholeheartedly affirm the following as true: 

  1. I trust in Christ, and in Christ alone, for salvation. I have repented of my sin and have put my faith in Jesus Christ as my only Savior and I am depending upon Him alone and nothing in myself for a right standing before God. By eating the bread and drinking of the cup, I am acknowledging that I am a sinner, without hope, except in the sovereign grace of God, and that I am trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. 

  2. I am seeking to live a repentant, upright and godly life. I am not living in unrepentant sin and wilful disobedience to the commands of God in Scripture, but am striving by the help of the Holy Spirit to glorify God with my entire life. 

  3. I have been baptised in the name of the Triune God, I have made a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ, and I am an acknowledged member in good standing in a church that professes the gospel of God’s free grace in Jesus Christ. I have not been excommunicated or asked by my church to refrain from taking communion.


I wholeheartedly affirm that each of the above statements is true of me.

If you are unable to affirm any of the above 3 statements, we kindly request you to refrain from participating in the Lord’s Supper.



Darryl Kretschmer, Pastor

Darryl grew up in Pioneertown, CA. He moved to Taiwan as a missionary where he met his wife Hsiang-I (Anita), and after nearly 10 years of missionary service, Darryl and family moved to Dyer, IN where he would study at Mid America Reformed Seminary. After interning in New England, Darryl was called by the OPC as a missionary evangelist to Asia. When the door closed due to religious persecution, Darryl pastored a small bilingual church in Taiwan for 4 years before accepting the call to shepherd Sovereign Grace, OPC in 2023. Darryl and Anita have three lovely children.

Matt Thalmayer, Ruling Elder

Matt grew up in Redlands and graduated from Calvin College with a major in Business/Psychology. Matt and his wife Jennifer have two children. He and his brother run a local staffing business in the Redlands area.

Tim Lee, Deacon

Tim has been a member of Sovereign Grace since 2016. He is a Training Director for Loma Linda University’s psychiatry program. Inspired by 1 Corinthians 7:25-38, his desire is to serve God’s kingdom and remain single, submitting his resources to ministry. He enjoys playing games, fantasy sports and collecting baseball and basketball cards.

Jonah Lay, Deacon

Born and raised in Riverside, Jonah is a graduate of California Baptist University, the University of Redlands, and Westminster Theological Seminary. He is a writer and engineer at Esri.

Catherine Zarr, Administrative Assistant

Catherine has attended Sovereign Grace OPC since 2007. She lives in Beaumont and is married to Eric and has five children.